Home: eLearning Toolkit
For demonstrations of software, there is really no substitute for a screencast (often called a video demo, how to, or tutorial). It allows you to talk the user through the steps involved in a particular task and potentially focus in on key features. If you're new to the process, here are some resources that might be of help.
- Getting Started with Screencasts Part 1 of a series on how to go about creating screencasts. In line with best practice, a transcript is also available.
- The Screencasting Handbook Written by screencasting expert Ian Ozsvald, this offers excellent guidance and detail on the practicalities of screencasting. (Thanks to Stephen Downes for the link.)
- Previous IT Online examples There are several good examples of video demos throughout the Object Oriented Programming (MCT619) module. Download and check out the following, which were developed using Techsmith's Camtasia Studio:
- Tips on the recording process Here you'll find very practical tips about the process of recording good video tutorials.
Apart from screencasts, you may also be called upon to feature in (or perhaps even develop) live videos of events and people. You'll find a growing bank of IT Online-related videos on Vimeo.
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