
Referencing (redirected from APA Referencing)

Page history last edited by Clare Gormley 12 years, 8 months ago

Home: eLearning Toolkit


Different programmes employ different referencing styles and you'll need to verify which one applies to you. In the case of IT Online, the learning materials should be referenced in accordance with American Psychological Association (APA) referencing style. You will find an extensive range of resources on academic writing, referencing, and avoiding plagiarism at the WRAP page. Whether you are writing a formal academic paper or developing PowerPoint-based learning materials, the same principles of correct in-text citation and inclusion of a full reference will apply. The only difference may be that with PowerPoint, the full reference may be included in the related slide notes (rather than in a list at the end of a document).


For a quick refresher course on the essentials, we recommend that you start with the referencing basics

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